Send PDF via Email from Your Phone: A Simple Guide


Sending PDFs via email from your phone is a convenient way to share important documents with colleagues, friends, or family.

Whether you need to send a work report, a contract, or a school assignment, it only takes a few steps to attach and send a PDF file through email.

In this article, we’ll guide you how to send PDF via email from your phone.

Step 1: Create or Download the PDF

Before you can send a PDF via email, you need to have a PDF file to attach.

You can create a PDF using a variety of methods, such as converting a document or image file to PDF format or scanning a physical document with a mobile scanner app.

Alternatively, you can download a PDF file from an email, a website, or a cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox.

Step 2: Open Your Email App

Next, open your email app on your phone. This can be the default email app that came with your phone, or a third-party app like Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo Mail.

If you haven’t set up your email account on your phone yet, follow the app’s instructions to add your account.

Step 3: Compose a New Email

Once you’re in your email app, tap the “Compose” or “New Email” button to start a new email.

This button is usually located at the bottom right corner of the app.

Step 4: Attach the PDF

In the email composition screen, look for the paperclip or attachment icon.

Tap it to open the attachment menu, then select “Attach File” or “Attach Document”.

This will open your phone’s file explorer or document manager.

Find the PDF file you want to attach, then tap it to select it.

Some email apps may allow you to attach multiple files at once.

Step 5: Write the Email

After attaching the PDF, you can write the email body as you would with any other email.

Add a subject line, recipient email addresses, and any additional message you want to include.

You can also format the text, add links, or attach more files if needed.

Step 6: Send the Email

Once you’re ready to send the email, tap the “Send” or “Submit” button.

The email app will upload the PDF file and send it along with your message to the recipient(s).

Depending on the size of the PDF file and your internet connection speed, it may take a few moments for the email to send.


Sending PDFs via email from your phone is a simple and fast way to share important documents.

By following these steps, you can attach and send a PDF file through email in just a few minutes.

Remember to check the file size limit of your email app and internet connection speed to ensure a smooth sending experience.


Q1. Is it possible to send large PDF files via email from a phone?

A1. Most email apps have a file size limit for attachments, usually ranging from 10MB to 25MB.

If your PDF file is larger than the limit, you may need to compress it or use a cloud storage service to share it.

Q2. Can I password protect my PDF before sending it via email from my phone?

A2. Yes, you can password protect your PDF file before sending it via email using a PDF editor app like Adobe Acrobat or Foxit Reader.

These apps allow you to add password encryption and other security features to your PDF file.

Q3. How can I ensure the recipient can open and view the PDF file?

A3. To ensure the recipient can open and view the PDF file, make sure they have a PDF reader app installed on their phone or computer.

If they don’t, you can recommend a free PDF reader app like Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit MobilePDF.

Q4. Can I track if the recipient has opened or viewed the PDF file?

A4. Some email apps, such as Gmail, have a feature that allows you to track if the recipient has opened your email.

However, this feature may not be available for all email apps. Alternatively, you can use a third-party email tracking tool like Mailtrack or Mixmax.

Q5. Is it safe to send sensitive information via email as a PDF attachment?

A5. Sending sensitive information via email as a PDF attachment is generally safe as long as you take the necessary security measures, such as password protecting the file and using a secure email service.

However, it’s always best to avoid sending highly sensitive information via email and use a secure file sharing service instead.