Printing Made Easy: How to Print Selected Pages from a PDF Document

Printing a PDF document is a simple task, but what if you only need to print certain pages from a PDF document?

This can be a time-consuming task if you have to print the entire document and then manually remove the pages you don’t need.

Fortunately, there is a way to print selected pages from a PDF document without wasting time and paper.

In this article, we will discuss how to print selected pages from a PDF document using different methods.

Method 1: Print Selected Pages using Adobe Acrobat Reader

  1. Open the PDF document in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  2. Go to the “File” menu and select “Print.”
  3. In the Print dialog box, select “Pages” and enter the page numbers you want to print. For example, if you want to print pages 2, 3, and 4, enter “2-4” in the Pages field.
  4. Click the “Print” button to print the selected pages.

Method 2: Print Selected Pages using the Print Preview Feature

  1. Open the PDF document in your preferred PDF viewer.
  2. Go to the “File” menu and select “Print.”
  3. In the Print dialog box, select “Print Preview” or “Page Setup” (depending on your PDF viewer).
  4. In the Print Preview or Page Setup window, select the “Pages” option and enter the page numbers you want to print.
  5. Click the “Print” button to print the selected pages.

Method 3: Print Selected Pages using Google Chrome

  1. Open the PDF document in Google Chrome.
  2. Click the three-dot icon in the upper-right corner of the browser window.
  3. Select “Print” from the dropdown menu.
  4. In the Print dialog box, select “Pages” and enter the page numbers you want to print.
  5. Click the “Print” button to print the selected pages.

Method 4: Print Selected Pages using Preview on Mac

  1. Open the PDF document in Preview on Mac.
  2. Go to the “File” menu and select “Print.”
  3. In the Print dialog box, select “Pages” and enter the page numbers you want to print.
  4. Click the “Print” button to print the selected pages.


Printing selected pages from a PDF document is a simple task that can save you time and paper.

By using the methods outlined in this article, you can easily print only the pages you need from a PDF document.

Whether you are using Adobe Acrobat Reader, a different PDF viewer, Google Chrome, or Preview on Mac, the process is simple and straightforward.


  1. Can I print non-consecutive pages from a PDF document?
  • Yes, you can print non-consecutive pages by entering the page numbers separated by commas.
  • For example, to print pages 1, 3, and 5, enter “1, 3, 5” in the Pages field.
  1. Can I preview the pages before printing them?
  • Yes, most PDF viewers offer a preview feature that allows you to preview the pages before printing them.
  1. Can I print a range of pages in reverse order?
  • Yes, you can print a range of pages in reverse order by entering the last page number first, followed by a hyphen, and then the first page number.
  • For example, to print pages 5 to 2 in reverse order, enter “5-2” in the Pages field.
  1. Can I print multiple copies of selected pages?
  • Yes, you can print multiple copies of selected pages by entering the number of copies in the Copies field.